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About me 


As a young girl I always wanted to draw and to be a potter. I had no doubt of my direction in life. There was no question in my mind that I would have an artistic career of some kind. Growing up I would draw continuously. Eventually this all led to me studing ceramics in London at the Central School of Art and Design to BA Hons degree level. After leaving college I ran my ceramics studio for some years in London, selling my work across the country via trade shows to various galleries and shops.  

After some  years I decided on a career change, taking a job in the film industry at the

Jim Henson Creature Shop where I worked as a freelance painter and art finisher. This involved colour mixing and matching, working with a variety of different paint systems and a multitude of other materials depending on the job requirements.

Over the next 25 years I worked in many Creature Effects and Prosthetic Make-up departments.

A fascinating job which was always challenging and one which took me to many locations around the world. I enjoyed the range of work and the fine detail and finish which was required, as well as the fun of working with some very talented creative people.


Since leaving the film industry, moving to Cambridge and getting married, I have returned to my own work, rediscovering the pleasure in independent creativity. Having the freedom to pursue my own artistic train of thought is so rewarding.


My painting style has evolved gradually through experimenting with a huge variety of media. I love life drawing and use ongoing sessions to develop my understanding of different materials, from charcoal, to pastel, collage and paint. There is always something new to explore.


I enjoy working on prepared paper and sketchbooks. Sometimes I use acrylic, other times collage as a base on which to build up layers. 


 In recent years my focus has been landscapes and particularly allotments. I love these places as they feel complete worlds in themselves.They are full of the optimism of growth.

I usually work in a series, on paper, but increasingly on wooden panels as I like the tough surface which allows me to rework, scratching and sometimes sanding back the paint.


Initially I build up layers of acrylic paint, without having a definite plan of where I am heading. Its a joyful stage. As the work progresses, I slow down and consider my composition, editing backwards and forwards until I feel happy with the balance. Colour has always excited me, the contrasts and the satisfying combinations. 


 In my most recent work I have found myself returning to pre-loved themes which seemed long lost but which are definitely personal to me. Figures and animals have been appearing in my landscapes and my work has taken on a more narrative quality. My work is always about colour, movement, energy and joy. Many of the things that I love are coming together naturally. I hope you find the joy in them too. 



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